Friday, June 10, 2011

A rough 2 days

The past 2 days have been a little rough.  On Wednesday I really began feeling a lot more uncomfortable and I have not been dealing with that well.  I feel like I deal with pain better than discomfort.  But I hate that I allow myself to get in these horrible moods because of the discomfort.  I have 3 months left and I cannot keep allowing myself to get in bad moods, so I'm trying my hardest to find ways to make myself more comfortable. 

Paul is the sweetest husband.  Yesterday he built me a shelf for my laptop so I can work in the family room on a more comfortable chair and have my laptop in front of me without it being on my lap (which made me really hot and was not very comfortable).  He's the best!!!  I have also begun swimming in the morning in our pool, and that is such an awesome way to start the day.  It's so nice to be able to spend time outside before it gets blazing hot, and it's so relaxing to just hang out in the pool.  I'm so happy we got the pool and transformed our backyard into a relaxing atmosphere!!!

This discomfort is so bizarre.  I knew it was coming, but I was expecting and hoping it wouldn't be until much later in the third trimester.  It's so weird to have the feeling that your entire insides are completely full and smashed together.  When I bend over, my uterus literally pushes into my diaphram (making it harder to breathe) and my stomach.  I now start breathing heavily after just walking around, instead of just when I walk up and down the stairs.  But I do love seeing these changes.  Brooke has been just as active in the past week, and I think I have finally figured out when she is hiccuping versus kicking, but it's still hard for me to tell.  I really can't wait until she's big enough for me to see body parts :)

I took another picture today.  This one is much better :)


Ashley Hoff said...

Very cute photo! And I like the haircut too :)

Anonymous said...

You are ADORABLE and I *love* your haircut. You look so happy!!
