Thursday, June 16, 2011

28 weeks and Happy 10th Anniversary to me and Paul!

Today I am 28 weeks along and Paul and I have been married for 10 years!!  It's amazing how it feels like time has flown but also that it's been longer than 10 years because of how close Paul and I are and how wonderful a marriage we have.  I am so glad Paul and I had our time together in our 20s to grow up and have fun together.  We are so much more prepared to have a child together now :)

Brooke has been moving around and kicking a lot this week, so I have definitely been reassured of her health.  Some of her movements are so bizarre and I still can't figure out if any of them are hiccups.  Sometimes it feels like she is shaking or kicking really fast.  Other times it feels like she is grabbing onto things in there because I feel like something is tensing up inside of me.  It's so weird.

So far I have not become more uncomfortable this week and I think I'm learning how to deal with the discomfort, so that's a great step forward!  I have been meditating in the morning to start retraining myself on relaxing, since I've read that is one of the most beneficial things you can do when in labor, and I'm taking a break to swim during the day to relieve my butt of the pain I feel from sitting all day!  I used to love to sit, and now it causes me pain, even on the the most cushiony and soft chairs!  It's so bizarre.

I have started waking up more often during the night.  I think I'm now averaging around 3-4 times per night.  I usually get up to pee when I wake up, and I always have to roll over to my other side because the shoulder I'm lying on is hurting.  I'm not sure why that happens when it has never happened in the past (I have always slept on my side), but that's all just part of the changes my body is going through.

It's exciting to be at 28 weeks now.  I feel like it's a big milestone.  I only have 12 weeks to go!  Already I feel like this month has been going by more quickly, which is really exciting.  I think it's an indication of how quickly the summer is going to go by.  YAY!

Today's baby bump:

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