Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A better start to the week

Yesterday was a great day; although, it started out rough.  Sunday night I felt kind of down and tired and started worrying that I hadn't felt Brooke very much this weekend and wondering if she was okay.  Throughout the night, I kept waking up wondering if she was okay.  A couple of times I felt some quick movements that felt more like muscle twitches than kicks, and at times I wondered if she had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and was choking!  It's terrible the tricks your mind can play on you.  So when I woke up yesterday morning, I was really freaking out.  I called my OB office and left a message for the nurse.  Then I decided to eat something to see if I could get Brooke to move.

I felt like I was going to throw up while I was making breakfast because I kept thinking that she was under duress and I would have to be induced this early again, and I just knew I couldn't go through that again.  Luckily, after I ate and sat still for a little bit, Brooke began moving, so I started feeling better about her safety.  I began working and she began moving around even more, so once the nurse called back and reassured me that any kind of movement is good and as long as she moves 10 times in 2 hours, she is good.  I had counted 10 movements in less than an hour after I ate, so I knew she was okay.  Throughout the day, she moved a lot more, so I was definitely convinced that she was okay.

I should have known she was okay because the past several weekends, she didn't move as much because I was busier and moving around, so I either didn't feel her movements or I was rocking her to sleep, so she wasn't moving as much.  And every Monday she starts moving more again.  But for some reason I got freaked out this time, and boy did that suck!  The physical discomfort definitely sucks, but the emotional anxiety of wondering if she is okay is so much worse!  Thankfully Brooke moves around a lot usually, so I don't typically wonder whether or not she is okay, but when I am unsure, it's really upsetting.

Thankfully, I seem to be getting more used to the discomfort that I began feeling last week, so I was much happier yesterday.  Of course, I remember last Tuesday thinking the same thing and then Wednesday I got even more uncomfortable, so we'll see what happens the rest of the week :)  For now, I'll just take one day at a time and be thankful when I have a good day.

Yesterday turned out to be a great day.  I wasn't very uncomfortable and after Brooke started moving, my emotional state was really good most of the day.  After work, Paul and I went to an orientation at a local pediatrician's office to meet the doctors and decide if we liked the practice.  We really liked them, so we will be taking Brooke there, which is very exciting that we have that decision made!  After dinner, I folded up all the blankets I have received from friends and put them away in a dresser in the nursery.  I'm really starting to get the nursery organized, which feels really good!  I then had enough energy to vacuum the upstairs, which really needed it!  It was a very productive night and it felt really good to get all of that done.

I had gotten some stuff done this past weekend because we actually stayed in town because Paul needed to rest and study, but I had felt like I didn't get as much done as I had wanted to, so it was super nice to be so productive last night.  After vacuuming, I searched for some baby books on Amazon regarding baby sign language and how to take care of the baby, etc.  I'm really excited to start reading those books.  It will be a lot of fun to learn about what to expect and how to interact with Brooke through each of her stages, since I have no clue at this point!

This morning I went swimming before work, which was a great start to the day.  This week's weather is much nicer than last week, so I'm trying to get out and enjoy it.  Tonight I'm going to try to get more done around the house but only if I'm feeling up to it.  I never know how much or how little energy I'm going to have, so I'm trying to just go with the flow and do what I feel like doing.  I just hate being tired and lazy, so it felt really good last night to have energy and get things done.  I know I'm supposed to be enjoying this time of getting sleep and resting, but I'm just not the type that likes to lay around a lot, so I'm taking advantage of the energy when it comes, because when I'm tired, I definitely have to lie down and rest.  There's no fighting the fatigue when it comes.

On Thursday I will be 28 weeks along, which feels like a big milestone.  Next Monday I have my next OB appointment, and then I start going every 2 weeks!  YAY!!!

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