Friday, May 20, 2011

24 weeks

Yesterday I reached 24 weeks along.  This week I haven't been as uncomfortable as I was last week, but I have felt a little more "off" some nights.  I had to go to bed at 9:00 Wednesday night because I just wasn't feeling well and I'm not sure why.  It felt like Brooke was dancing on the bottom of my uterus, so that could have contributed :)  She has become even more active!  Last night while we were watching American Idol and I was eating popcorn, she was kicking me almost constantly!  It was so crazy!  She has never been that consistently active before.  I think she was kicking me for at least 30 minutes or longer.

I'm sort of getting used to the fact that this being inside of me is kicking me, but if I really think about it, it's still so nuts!  I mean, I have a baby growing in me!  How bizarre is that?!?  Nature is just amazing.  I can't even imagine how crazy it's going to be when she gets bigger and stronger and I'm able to see body parts through my belly.  That will just be unreal.  I'm so excited for it!

I decided this morning that I'm going to return the heartbeat monitor.  Since Brooke is moving around so much and so consistently, I don't feel the need to have it anymore.  And since I haven't even been using it, it makes sense to return it.  Also, at this point, if she stops kicking or kicks significantly less, I'm supposed to go to the doctor and have her checked out anyway, so the monitor wouldn't help anyway.  I'm so happy to be at this point and feel so good about her health and well-being.  So different from last time.

Last night I bought a Jumperoo from someone on Craig's list.  I got it for $30 and it's $90 new!  Great savings!  I'm really excited about getting this baby stuff and trying to save on it.  I love hand-me-downs!  But I was happy to splurge a little on the bedding set.  We got the nursery decorations that I ordered in the mail yesterday, so we are all ready to get the nursery painted!  Time to call the painter and start planning :)

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