Friday, July 9, 2010

Kristie's Bump Watch - 7/9/2010

Today I am 17 weeks along. Not much change lately in the bump size. I've been hovering around 36" for over a week now, so I only gained an inch in the past month. I'm really looking forward to seeing it grow, so I'm a little disappointed, but I'm hoping it will come soon.

Next Tuesday (7/13) I have my next OB appointment, where they will listen for the heartbeat and do the normal tests, like blood pressure, urine, etc. I don't know what they test for, but it doesn't really matter. As long as the results are good, I'm happy :) I'm excited to hear the heartbeat again. Every time I have an appointment, I get nervous about it for the entire week prior to the appointment, so I've been a little emotional this week, but nothing too bad. I've also been pretty tired. We've had plans every weekend for the past month, and it's really wearing me out, so I'm going to try to chill out the next couple of weekends.

On the following Monday (7/19), I have my mid-pregnancy ultrasound. My OB sends me to a specialist who can check for abnormalities. He will also be able to tell the sex, which I'm super excited about finding out!! I can't wait to get excited about what we are having. We really don't care at this point, but it will be nice to be able to refer to him/her as a he or a she, rather than he/she :) And then we can start planning the nursery decorations and register for all the gender-specific stuff. That will be so much fun!

So far, the second trimester seems to be going faster than the first, but it's still so slow! I'm ready for the baby now :)

1 comment:

Monica said...

I'm ready to find out the gender too! I keep looking at clothes, but can't buy anything until we know. HURRY UP!